The Hidden Hill Experience
There are many opportunities for residents to participate together with members and attenders of Chena Ridge Friends Meeting in cultural, social, recreational, and public service activities. There are weekly gatherings such as shape note singing sessions that meet at Hidden Hill. Other occasional gatherings include a solstice bonfire, movie nights, and book groups.
Community Traditions
Several traditions have evolved over the years that the Hidden Hill community has been in operation. These practices have helped make living in community and living in cooperation with the wider community of Chena Ridge Friends Meeting run more smoothly. Some annual gatherings are organized collaboratively by the Hidden Hill resident community the Hidden Hill Committee, and Ministry and Counsel--such as Thanksgiving potlucks and Hidden Hill clean up day--and provide a social interaction with the wider Meeting community.
Monthly Resident Meeting
The community holds regular monthly business meetings, clerked by a member of Meeting using Friends’ business meeting procedures. These meetings are an opportunity to work out details and make decisions as needed by residents of the community in a confidential process. Community residents are expected to attend these monthly community meetings or account for their absence. The Hidden Hill Committee will facilitate finding members of Meeting to clerk community meetings.
Interpersonal Peacemaking
At Hidden Hill, residents work to reduce conflict openly in a caring manner through interpersonal peacemaking, using Friends processes. Residents should deal with conflicts as they arise through one-on-one conversations, resident dinners, monthly community meetings, and, finally, through the Hidden Hill Committee.