How to Live at Hidden Hill
New community members are welcomed when a cabin becomes available, but the decision to live at Hidden Hill should be carefully considered by all involved: the interested person, the other residents, and the Hidden Hill Committee.
Hidden Hill Application Process:
Step 1: Notice of a cabin vacancy is first announced to members and attenders of Chena Ridge Friends Meeting. If, after a three week interval, no potential residents have come forward from Meeting, the search will extend to the wider community.
Step 2: Interested potential residents submit a written application. These questions are meant to help applicants thoughtfully consider their interest in community living, Friends testimonies, and the impact of community living on their current life. To learn more about Quaker process and testimonies, residents are encouraged to attend a meeting for worship, a meeting for business, a meeting potluck, or other Meeting functions before applying for membership in the community.
Step 3: A potential resident is invited to Hidden Hill for dinner with current residents. At least one Committee member and at least one member of the Ministry and Counsel Committee will also attend the dinner. This is an informal gathering where the potential resident and current residents and representatives of Meeting get to know each other.
Step 4: After dinner, current residents meet with the Hidden Hill Committee and Ministry and Counsel members to discuss the suitability of the potential resident as a member of the Hidden Hill community. If needed, residents will ask the applicant and Hidden Hill Committee and Ministry and Counsel members to gather again as they discern the best fit for the community.
Step 5: After the community members discern their preference for a new resident, resident Committee members present the name to the Hidden Hill Committee, which has final approval of new residents.
To request an application for residence please fill out the form below: