Quaker History

from FGC:  “FAQs about Quakers” 

How did the Quaker movement begin?

The Religious Society of Friends began in the 17th century in England, and today over 81,000 Quakers live and worship in the United States and Canada. We believe that every person is loved by the Divine Spirit. We are Quakers of all ages, education backgrounds, races, sexual orientations, gender identities, abilities, and classes. Everyone is welcome among Friends.

It began during a period of much religious upheaval in England during the mid-1600s, as people questioned the established church and sought new ways to understand Christianity. The emerging faith community gathered around the leadership of George Fox and others who encouraged people to be guided by a direct, firsthand encounter with the Spirit. These Quakers were seeking an authentic return to “primitive Christianity,” as practiced by the followers of Jesus in the first century.

Why are you called “Quakers”?

The term “Quaker” arose as a popular nickname used to ridicule this new religious group when it emerged in seventeenth century England. Since the term was so widely recognized, members began using it informally, so people would know what they were talking about. Formally, we call ourselves the Religious Society of Friends.  Today, we use “Friend” and “Quaker” interchangeably.

Are Quakers the same as the Amish?  As Shakers?

Quakers and Amish are both "peace churches,” but otherwise they are distinct and trace themselves to separate roots in England (Quakers) and Switzerland (Amish). Today, the majority of Quakers no longer practice “plain dress,” as do the Amish.

The primary overlap between Quakers and Shakers is that they have rhyming names. The Shaker hymn “Simple Gifts” is a Quaker favorite.

Do Quakers own Quaker Oats?

No. Quaker Oats is just a brand name, like the motor oil and other products that carry the Quaker name.

Additional information about Quakers can be found here:



